Are you ready to help shape an incredible family story – one that is filled with joy, passion, purpose, conviction and LOVE?
Let’s be honest, parenting is not for wimps! Here’s a safe place you can turn for sound advice, encouragement, insight and vision for how to raise kids who are healthy, happy and have a life of purpose.
This is NOT a place for judgment or a list of strategies and rules that will make you feel even more frustrated or overwhelmed.
Let us send you one of these FREE PARENTING GUIDES

If you only read one parenting book this year, this is the one!
Shaping Your Family Story
How imperfect parents create hope and confidence in their children.
This is a message of encouragement, a confidence-builder that every mom, dad, grandparent, care-giver – anyone entrusted with the responsibility of raising a child should read!

As a parent, you make all the difference
Watch this introductory video

How it all got started
I remember where I was standing when I got the initial vision, the first ideas in my head for what would become NGI and the parenting resource known as Shaping Your Family Story.
I was in my office talking to Hal Donaldson, the president of Convoy of Hope, (an amazing disaster response and humanitarian organization). Hal was recruiting me for a position and I was saying, “…but that’s not what I really feel called to do.” And Hal asked me, “Well what do you want to do?” In that moment, my life changed.
I didn’t know it at the time, but without thinking I started outlining to Hal this vision for a relevant, helpful, authentic organization that would… Read more
From the Blog
Who is NGI?
NGI – Next Generation Institute is a not-for-profit and a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) organization. Our headquarters are located in sunny Central Florida not far from Disney World.
Our passion is to see a generation of young people raised with a sense of purpose, living with moral character, growing up with a strong sense of worth and value, prepared to live their lives with significance, purpose and joy.

We all know parenting is not an exact science.
There are no magic pills to take, no formulas to memorize that will produce perfect results. We are human, flawed and unique, yet awesomely, wonderfully and divinely created, with amazing potential!
Parents are the single most powerful influence in a child’s life. At NGI we are committed to helping you develop a parenting strategy… something that is doable, attainable and will help you through every stage of child-rearing.
NGI works with gifted professionals from around the country to bring you innovative yet simple insights and training you can use to help see your kids become, healthy, happy, successful and significant individuals.
We understand that today’s culture and society is different from previous generations. Yet, with all the problems and pitfalls, technology and culture affords us many exciting new opportunities.
We offer the following services to help families create an incredible story that will positively impact not just their own children but their communities and the culture at large.
Shaping Your Family Story – How imperfect parents create hope and confidence in their children.
We watch the stories of our children unfold so quickly. We wonder if we are doing enough. Are we making a difference in their lives? Here is a book that will support you, encourage you and help you give your kids hope and promise – without stressing yourself crazy.
Order here

Small Group Study
Parents learn best from other parents! This 6-session study provides an ideal way for a group of parents to gather to share together in the experience of shaping a great family story.
Reserve Now
Parent Coaching
Need some extra help and guidance? We have certified parent coaches who can work with you over the phone on a one-on-one basis. Group coaching sessions are also available.
For more information and for scheduling, call us at 407-563-4806 or email us at
Parent Seminars
We would love to speak to your organization or group. Invite one of our authors to speak to your school, association, church, civic organization or other group.
Contact us to schedule or receive additional information: or call 407-563-4806.
Parent Coaching
Need some extra help and guidance? We have certified parent coaches who can work with you over the phone on a one-on-one basis. Coaching packages start at $495.00 for six 45-minute sessions. Group coaching sessions are also available.
For more information and for scheduling, call us at 407-563-4806 or email us at
Parent Seminars
We would love to speak to your organization or group. Invite one of our authors to speak to your school, association, church, civic organization or other group.
Contact us to schedule or receive additional information: or call 407-563-4806.
Become a partner
The need for a ministry such as NGI is great.
Parents want to do a good job. They just need a little help, a little encouragement, and a little direction.
We want to provide that help in culturally relevant ways, ways that don’t involve shame or judgment, just some honest, heartfelt help and insight offered by other parents who happen to have specific training, experience and expertise.
Will you help…
In order for us to operate, to grow, and to reach more and more parents, we need support from individuals and organizations. We would love for you to partner with us. If you would like to get involved by supporting us financially we would be so grateful. We have respected organizations willing to help us distribute copies of our book free of charge to families in need.
There are three ways you can make a contribution:
One: On-line
Two: By Phone
Simply call at 407-563-4806. We’ll take down your information and answer your questions. If you would like to become a corporate sponsor or get involved with NGI in some other way, just let us know.
Three: By Mail
Mail your check to Next Generation Institute, 2342 Westminster Terrace, Oviedo FL 32765. If you wish to make a monthly or quarterly pledge, please indicate that and we will send you a monthly invoice/statement as a reminder.
Donate Now

Contact us
Want to reach us? Maybe you have a question or need direction on where to get specific help in your local area. Maybe you’d like to become a partner with us or connect with one of our Parent Coaches. Whatever the reason, know that we would love to hear from you. Here’s how …
Or just e-mail us directly at
If we can’t answer your question, we’ll do our best to put you in touch with someone who can. If you get a voicemail message … we’ll call you right back.
By snail mail …
Write to us at:
Next Generation Institute
2342 Westminster Terrace
Oviedo, FL 32765